Friday, December 10, 2010

Ps3 Wont Play Blu Rays

Analysis Hidroaysén interview with Carlos Montaño.

First to analyze the video of the interview with Carlos Montaño by Professor Marcelo Piña, you can save two arguments raised by it which are:
Thesis endogenous: mean that social work in its genesis, it comes as a form of aid to the population, it seeks to meet immediate needs in a way. Both mentioned the importance of the inclusion of women in the workplace for social work. Ø
critical historical thesis: Refers to understand the critical elements that make up social work.
Carlos Montano mentions that the state takes a policy creating fundamental role Social order to address social problems, emphasizing the critical social work working with methods of intervention. To intervene must understand the reality according to the author, we should not do from our point of view, but rather from the reality. As he emphasized enough in the transdisciplinary one that should be the profession, and that to understand the phenomenon must not only be regarded as a social worker, but also incorporate a look ourselves psychologist, sociologist, economist, among other disciplines.
should also be considered la Política Social dota de funcionalidad nuestro trabajo, crea el campo en donde el trabajador social se desenvuelve, considerando a la vez que las políticas sociales reproducen el sistema, pero sin embargo éstas ayudan y favorecen en temas de derechos, equidad, calidad de vida, etc.
Como conclusión de su propia entrevista la señala que la Política Social es un instrumento en el trabajo social y no debiera ser el trabajador social el instrumentalizado por la política, como se ve actualmente. Podemos decir que la política social no es igualitaria para todos y en si refuerza un modelo estructural, ya que al ser tan centralizada los recursos no llegan a quienes en realidad lo necesitan, por lo tanto la policy does not fulfill its real purpose, as is reaffirmed in the interview the teacher mentioned above.

Conclusion group.

with the provisions of the interview, as a team can be said to have a critical look will always be useful to the profession, and that this view may be to reconstruct and improve the applicability of the profession because if we do not take this critical we remain as traditional welfare-as it was in its genesis social work. Being critical is not good nor bad, but it is a way of seeing reality, will be held always critical when a foundation, because otherwise this would be a subjective view of reality itself. This same critical eye that makes it possible to evolve social policy, although we believe that social policies are another way to play the system to keep people quiet in his position, and we limit ourselves to social workers and not just apply influence the large structure, for the above reasons we agree with the approach of Dr. Carlos Montano, when he says that we as social workers, we are instruments of social policy, therefore we consider it a challenge for us as future professionals trying to change these issues and to influence our intervention at the macro and micro and not so far.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oxygen Sensor Replace Yukon 2003

conceptual map "Intervention"