Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wholesale Chicken Wings In Charlotte

A maxim of software development says Before doing anything, check to see if someone has already done before . So when I decided to get a program to queue the files back, I took a look at Google to see what I could tell about it.

The idea is this: When making multiple copies of files between hard drives reveal how the estimated time of each copy is doubled, tripled, or π-envelope, depending on the number of copies performed simultaneously, the size of each, and the type of device connected.

This behavior made me think that there really is a problem somewhere. Unlike IDE, SATA technology ensures full use of the data bus for each device connected, so could theoretically be performed simultaneously two copies of data without loss of bandwidth, provided they do not match any of the source and destination devices. You should be able to make a copy of the disk A to disk B while another copy is made simultaneously to the hard disk C D.

Screenshot de CopyHandler en funcionamiento

However, this type of scenario occurs very rarely, and typically end up using the same data bus to perform multiple simultaneous copies. By the time a device from or to serve more than one copy starts timeshare management to serve the two copies of files simultaneously. This may arise

views on whether the actual total time of all copies is the same as if copied in parallel or copied in series. In the final analysis, the amount of data copied is the same in both cases. My opinion is not shown additional time is consumed making copies in parallel, having to manage the shared use of bus. The counterpart is to be noted that in most cases this extra time is negligible.

Well, literature aside, the point is that found the program that enqueues and optimized copies of files in Windows. This is CopyHandler , and offers everything I wanted some extra gift:

  • Fully integrated with the operating system
  • Queue
  • file copies
  • Create read / write buffers to optimize
  • copies
  • gives a reliable progress information
GPL2 License Have a nice

RSS! copy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dansing With Women In Red

How to confuse an idiot