Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dragon Ball Z 1st Season Bulma Boobs

Plava Laguna

Plava Laguna: It's a phrase Bosnia Croatian, Slovenian, and Serbia which means "Blue Lake" . By the way, good trick to find all Croatian tourist guide .

is also the name of the character in the movie The Fifth Element embodies the beauty of miscegenation. I have not found any online quotes, so dust off my paperback, and copy:

"hybrid of human and alien, the Diva in her gracefully combined the beauty of all races in the galaxy."

I have watched the movie like 150 times without exaggeration, and some two thousand if I get silly. And a while ago just went up to 2001, because I have just to see again. So many times I've read the movie, and many times I've seen the book, yet I never managed to find two facts:

  • The name of the opera house, which is an exact replica of the palace of Floshton Paradise Cruise, which operates the Diva Plavalaguna.
  • The name of the opera, aria, or whatever it is, the subject that revisits the Diva Plavalaguna.

To solve the first puzzle, we will use a visual search. Neither G. Images or IMDB is one bit of the scene. I will provide I do my bit to capture the moment, to see if anyone jumps the spark.

For the second enigma, geeks lumps before they bring us the answer here and here . The song is the aria Il Dolce Suono , opera Lucia di Lammermoor , and sings soprano Inva Mulla Tchako , an opera singer Albana.

And that's it for today! Tomorrow (or past) and more!