Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Carl Lewis Air Walker Clocks

Red SOStenible

consider essential the withdrawal of the provision First final of the Law of Sustainable Economy for the following reasons:

1-violates the constitutional rights which must be based a democratic state in particular the presumption of innocence, freedom of expression, privacy, inviolability of the home , effective judicial protection, free market, consumers and consumer protection, among others.

2 - for the Internet generates a state of emergency in which citizens will be handled through administrative procedures most summary reserved by the Audiencia Nacional to drug traffickers and terrorists.

3 - Sets punitive proceedings "on demand" for cases in which courts have already stated that not constitute a crime, involving even the need to modify at least 4 laws, one of them organic. This involves a radical change in the legal system and a source of insecurity for the field of ICT (Information and Communication). We recall in this connection that the exchange of knowledge and culture in the network is an economic engine important to overcome the crisis as has been shown widely.

4 - urgent preventive mechanisms of that the law and the judiciary are to protect all citizens against risks as serious as those that affect public health. The government intends to use the same comprehensive protection mechanisms to benefit private interests against the public. Furthermore, the rules introduce the concept of "indirect profit", ie to me can Cerrado blog for "promoting" one that "promotes" to another link to a third party which allegedly illegal business

5 - Remember that intellectual property is not a fundamental right contrary to statements by the Minister of Justice, Francisco Caamaño. What is a right fundamental is the right to the literary and artistic production.

6 - According to the statements of Minister of Culture, this provision would be used only to close 200 websites that are allegedly attacking the copyright. We understand that if this is the intent of the provision is not needed, since current legislation there are procedures to allow action against websites, even with precautionary measures when they were allegedly being in breach of the law. So it only remains suspicious of the true intentions of the reason because the only thing that adds to the current legislation is the fact of letting the public in a situation of serious legal helplessness in the digital environment.

7 - Finally we believe that the government's proposal is not only a waste of resources but will be totally ineffective in its intended purposes and makes clear the utter inability of the executive to understand the times and the engine was Digital.

The provision is a further concession to the old entertainment industry to the detriment of fundamental rights of citizens in the digital age.

citizenship can not allow any way to continue attempts to violate rights viduals without proper effective remedy to protect lower-ranking rights such as intellectual property. That fact and was lifted with the enactment of the law unconstitutional Corcuera (or law kicked in the door.) The manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the Internet , backed by more than 200 000 people, as the reaction progressed and demands of citizenship before the unacceptable prospect of the government.

To drive a definitive change of direction and coordinate a joint response on 9 January has been the "sustainable network" a representative platform for all sectors of civil society concerned. The objective is to launch an offensive to ensure control of the digital environment to enable the full potential of the Internet and cultural development while respecting fundamental freedoms.

In this regard, we recognize as a reference for the development of the digital age, the Charter for innovation, creativity and access to knowledge , a summary document prepared by more than 100 experts from 20 countries which contains the fundamental legal principles that should guide this new horizon.

In particular, we believe that at this moment is particularly urgent implementation by governments and institutions competent, the following issues addressed in the Charter:

1 - / artists I like all workers have to make a living from their work (reference point 2 "Lawsuits , paragraph B." Encouraging creativity and innovation "of the Charter )

2 - The company needs for its development of an open and free (reference point 2" Lawsuits , paragraph D "Access a technological infrastructure "of the Charter )

3 - The right to quote and the right to share must be enhanced and not limited as the foundation of any possibility of establishing information and all knowledge (reference point 2 "Lawsuits , paragraph A" rights in a digital context, the Charter )

4 - The public should freely enjoy the exclusive rights of the public goods that are paid with money, with public money (reference point 2 "Lawsuits " paragraph C "common knowledge and public domain, the Charter )

5-consider it necessary to a thorough reform of the system of institutions management and the abolition of digital canon (reference point 2 "Lawsuits , paragraph B." Encouraging creativity and innovation "of the Charter ).

Therefore the campaign begins today NOT BE ANOTHER INTERNET TELE and carried out various citizen action throughout the period of the English EU presidency.

consider particularly important in the timing of the English presidency of the Second Congress of Cultural Economics (29 and 30 March in Barcelona), Informal Meeting of Culture Ministers (30 and 31 March in Barcelona ) and Telecommunications Ministers Meeting (18-20 April in Granada).

The Network is expected to meet national and international representatives of political parties, representatives of cultural and diplomatic missions.

Signed sustainable network


Sustainable Network we are everything. If you want to adhere to this text, copy it blogguéalo, spread it.