Friday, December 10, 2010

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Analysis Hidroaysén interview with Carlos Montaño.

First to analyze the video of the interview with Carlos Montaño by Professor Marcelo Piña, you can save two arguments raised by it which are:
Thesis endogenous: mean that social work in its genesis, it comes as a form of aid to the population, it seeks to meet immediate needs in a way. Both mentioned the importance of the inclusion of women in the workplace for social work. Ø
critical historical thesis: Refers to understand the critical elements that make up social work.
Carlos Montano mentions that the state takes a policy creating fundamental role Social order to address social problems, emphasizing the critical social work working with methods of intervention. To intervene must understand the reality according to the author, we should not do from our point of view, but rather from the reality. As he emphasized enough in the transdisciplinary one that should be the profession, and that to understand the phenomenon must not only be regarded as a social worker, but also incorporate a look ourselves psychologist, sociologist, economist, among other disciplines.
should also be considered la Política Social dota de funcionalidad nuestro trabajo, crea el campo en donde el trabajador social se desenvuelve, considerando a la vez que las políticas sociales reproducen el sistema, pero sin embargo éstas ayudan y favorecen en temas de derechos, equidad, calidad de vida, etc.
Como conclusión de su propia entrevista la señala que la Política Social es un instrumento en el trabajo social y no debiera ser el trabajador social el instrumentalizado por la política, como se ve actualmente. Podemos decir que la política social no es igualitaria para todos y en si refuerza un modelo estructural, ya que al ser tan centralizada los recursos no llegan a quienes en realidad lo necesitan, por lo tanto la policy does not fulfill its real purpose, as is reaffirmed in the interview the teacher mentioned above.

Conclusion group.

with the provisions of the interview, as a team can be said to have a critical look will always be useful to the profession, and that this view may be to reconstruct and improve the applicability of the profession because if we do not take this critical we remain as traditional welfare-as it was in its genesis social work. Being critical is not good nor bad, but it is a way of seeing reality, will be held always critical when a foundation, because otherwise this would be a subjective view of reality itself. This same critical eye that makes it possible to evolve social policy, although we believe that social policies are another way to play the system to keep people quiet in his position, and we limit ourselves to social workers and not just apply influence the large structure, for the above reasons we agree with the approach of Dr. Carlos Montano, when he says that we as social workers, we are instruments of social policy, therefore we consider it a challenge for us as future professionals trying to change these issues and to influence our intervention at the macro and micro and not so far.

Monday, December 6, 2010

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conceptual map "Intervention"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Letter Of Encouragement Catholic Confirmation

successful visit to our University !!!!!!

Marcos Chin on his visit to our university, we talked about the newsletter Sura and explained that the name comes from a goddess, the name was chosen by the existence of more women in the race.
The intent of the newsletter is to socialize the information on this page you can find a virtual library that bind the various universities in Costa Rica. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Sura is to spread knowledge to its readers. Mark also gave us his position on the importance of intervention in social work, mentioned to us that intervention can bring about changes in people's lives. As a team we really like the look of this great scholar of social work, we can say that he also made us aware that being critical of social work is not bad to look for things but criticize knowledge and reform for the better.
The same day we visited Dr. Ricardo Moraga, Professor of Sociology and Gerontology of University of Barcelona in Spain, he speaks on aging stressing that this is the opportunity to see all the bad things that have done in Europe. Also speaking to us telling students that social work can become the weapon of those age inclusive, as relates to the issue of aging is a virgin because no one treats him very much. What we emphasize as a team finally is the last thing mentioned "aging is live, but only in a different way. "
In Conclusion appreciate the opportunity they gave us these exhibitors to meet their different positions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Neutrogena Vs. Ceptahil

"As intervene in the environment"

Intervention is a way to influence society, to change even small things about the environment, an issue latency today the product of the various consequences that caused the pollution that people do in our environment. Thus we consider as a team that must perform certain actions can change and improve this problem.
consider two fundamental issues which aimed to address:
  • Protecting the environment and improve it.
  • Contribute people aware of their actions.

To protect and improve the environment we believe we should make known to the people some strategies for saving recycling and reuse certain elements that encourage the reduction of pollution.
Protection of those reserves.
have a tighter control of certain products that pollute and are in the market as aerosols, for vehicles, machinery and Industry. On
people contribute to awareness campaigns important to consider that people have a true understanding of how certain attitudes that we do unconsciously affect our environment.

Educating people to live a life committed to the environment, giving values \u200b\u200bthat people can become aware that this is an extremely important resource in our lives, since much of the natural resources that exist in our country allow us to survive.

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Visit Social Workers ... Animus

Montserrat Feu
The English social worker, we spoke about the history of social work in Spain, said that in 1932 founded the first school social work lasted four years, but is closed because of civil war and reopened in 1939. This school was born under the influence of Belgium and France is closely linked to health, from 1939 to 1957 were due to the dark years of war. Later in the year 1955 the race off of Social Work and in 1960 produced a plan for stabilization of the race and in 1966 more social security with respect thereto.

Nelida Ramirez
The second speaker also work Social skills we talked about, these are also known as the talent and / or skills. This explains that the competition was based on knowing how to be, know-how and knowledge to be with others. Another important point is rescued on the accreditation issue and we made a comparison of Chile and Canada, telling us by way of experience when studying in Canada that matters is the accreditation of the race and not college, unlike what happens in Chile.

Reflection Group.
As a team the theme of the Bologna process set out by the lecturers was the one we call attention, because this is an agreement that is given in European countries in order to generate the exchange of graduates of different universities and thus generate the same skills and acquire universal knowledge.

Finally we conclude that there is no consensus concept of competition, we must create our own concept and apply it to Social Work. Social work must necessarily undergo changes, ie have a ethical and methodological reconfiguration, since the former tells us that all is not technical knowledge but has to do with values \u200b\u200band principles, these being the north of our job. And the reconfiguration methodology is about creating new intervention strategies as taught in class.

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"Center of attention to men who commit violence against women"
The center works to gender equality in order to disrupt the processes violence exercised by men towards their partner in this institution works with both perpetrators as the victims of violence through psycho-educational workshops and psychosocial, for which you are working in pairs psycho-social. These workshops are aimed at men between 20 and 55 years of age who have not been suspended due to domestic violence proceedings.
The visit by the psychologist and social worker of this institution, we proved that you can work better together, and while we craeron awareness of the ethical dilemmas facing us we can see in practice. Moreover, it is important to note that internships showed us the reality that we will face when entering the working world

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Internships Experience:

The medium environment should not only be seen as a place of recreation but must be viewed as a central place in the life of every person, regardless of the economic situation or experience that everyone should possess, this was observed in internships that were made SERPAJ in institutions and CRATE.

home visits in the foundation "crater."
certainly influence too much the environment either by design or mental health, in my experience by foundation I went home visits in which I realized that the most marginalized people in the region had nothing of green areas and the landscape was fatal, whereas in the more affluent towns in this region the differences were staggering, since that happens within minutes of seeing poverty in infrastructure and landscapes (ARES green) to large spaces and recreation areas in which I realized the great dsigualdades exixtente in the region.

Institution SERPAJ.
In this institution is directly observed as the professionals working in the area of \u200b\u200bthe environment in the intervention that is proposed for dealing with youth. When we visited the institution said the project was nearing completion at year end at establishing an exhibition with photographs of the young members of the program in which they show the most significant places in their lives between these sites were Condell natural hill and the Piazza San Francisco. This will be reflected in some measure how influential is the media environment in shaping people's lives and how it affects the reintegration and rehabilitation of persons .

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Seminar Social Work and Social Policy

Topic: Social Work and Social Policy
central ideas of exhibitors
Dr. Carlos Montaño

Social Work
critical social work is not an ideology or Marxist tendency, nor rejection of proposals. It is rather the fact a reality check.
Why or why be critical? For we long changes social reality and consciously work to the analysis of reality, magical visions, partial, or naive.
To be critical, Indignation is indispensable, we must break with any prospect segment of social reality, that is, we understand reality as a whole, beyond the immediate responses are exhausted, we must overcome planning and positivist rationality or other kinds of thinking that prevent proper study of reality.

Mary Gladys Olivo Viana:

Dr. Psychology and Social Research. School Director Social Work (Planning Minor in Gerontology) Universidad Central de Chile .
One of the most important exhibition of Maria Gladys is that public policies are generalizing, so do not differentiate the subject, ie the identity of this limit. Regarding this point it is necessary to say that the subject is not different from the object.
With regard to public policy failures can identify the problem that people do not have a prominent place in them.
The design of public policies is a character centralized, unresponsive to the real needs of territorial and social sectors which are designed, in addition to not having effective evaluation systems to account for meeting its goals, so that many times the resources used for implementation of the programs are badly worn, after not responding to the expectations and needs of the beneficiaries of these subjects.

Luana de Souza

regarding exposure of Professor Luana de Souza, we can rescue as a team that features Universal social policies are a reflection of this is that as in Chile, Brazil, there are programs to address poverty, as poverty voices , which delivers to people who receive less than $ 100 a month, a grant entitled "Family Grant" that gives them about $ 150, with similarity to the bridge program in our country, and addresses issues concerning health education , etc.

The speaker proposes five critical with respect to the functions of social policies

1 .- With respect to ideology, used for domination, since what is important for the minority is naturalized.
2 .- Ensure all the profits of capital.
3 .- Exploitation of labor supply.
4 .- Production of inequality, if there is equality of people would not be obliged to sell their work forces.
5. -Social policies are to change society, pero0 not only sufficient to cover minimum needs but that their mission should go much further and is therefore fundamental for the construction of a critical capability.

The seminar allowed us to meet and have a broader view and extensive on social policies, not only in Chile but it also internationally, and different views as was I pose Carlos Montano with his criticism. It was very comforting for us as a team have great expositarores as those mentioned above, and also to realize that many of the concepts and issues discussed at the seminar were no strangers to us as much of the content we've been trying discussed in Social Situations workshop, as in other branches, which helped quite understand the statement made by the guests.
hope that there are still instances how are you, where we can continue enriching our knowledge.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Legitimate

in today's society one can identify many problems, which has become imperative to create social policies that address these obstacles, they have a role in decreasing the level of complexity and while organizing society, promoting the development of the community. Have been created for this social and public policy.
social policies, taking into account that these address problems that affect vital or most of society, but to all this, and affecting the development of a country "Therefore we must evaluate social policies as a policy mix of public services, policies buffer the systemic inequalities and policies to reduce the impact of exclusion.

public policies, in contrast to the above definition, it is responsible for address problems or situations involving a specific sector, which experience difficulties not directly disturb the entire society. For example, water for irrigation, if no water for irrigation, directly affect farmers and indirectly to consumers of products.
the state of both Chile and other countries is responsible for creating public and social policies in order to protect the most vulnerable people, whether in areas of economic, educational, or ecological, to the latter we will refer to as the way you have to address this issue so crucial.

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Public Policy and Social

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CONAMA (National Environmental Commission) through the Country Programme for the protection of the ozone layer is intended to inform and teach about caring for and with the ozone layer.
This program is aimed at promoting courses of action aimed at reducing and eventually eliminating the use of substances that deplete the ozone layer (ODS). The program identifies six components:
· The problem of depletion of the ozone layer by anthropogenic action has been spread by the community .
· Alternative technologies and actions of the program spread among users.
· ozone Environmental Quality Seal used by companies that converted an processes.
· technological processes of business users of ODS converted. This is the main component of the program, which identifies the target population.
· ozone unit installed and working.

The program has been effective in fulfilling the purpose. The important point advance in the technological conversion of ODS-consuming industry. Chile in 1987 signed the Montreal Protocol, pledging to control, reduce and phase out consumption of ODS.
Resources of this program are donations from industrialized countries participating in the Montreal protocol, transferred to Chile by the World Bank for more information contact
To delve deeper into the issue go to the next page

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Seal Program Ozone Pollution Ozone Layer

Defining the problem:
environmental pollution is a problem both nationally and internationally and the most affected has been the ozone layer in which a hole is formed causing a serious problem for humanity producing global warming.

  • Problem
Increase in average temperatures of air and oceans, melting ice, snow, and rising sea level.

  • Program Size
Increased amount of "greenhouse gases" (GHGs) in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

  • Causes of the problem
global GHG emissions as a result of human activities by an inordinate increase in population growth because the man keeps a steady industrial growth to meet their needs. This brings Industrial growth rate household hazardous waste, greenhouse effect, acid rain and pollution of rivers lakes and seas.
  • Who is affected and to what extent?
A whole ecosystem (humans, plants, animals, etc)
  • How has the problem?
is increasing, as more and more grows the hole in our ozone layer and that makes the ultraviolet rays come with greater intensity.
  • What if we do not act on it?
we risk our lives and the sustainability of the planet.
At various points:
water-pollution product of doping cause health problems.
-increase as disease, enteritis typhoid salmonellosis .
- pollution to take away their degree of purification to prevent the daily use of it.
-Some air pollutants are extremely dangerous cause serious disturbances and even death and many people.
- was significantly reduced in the flora and fauna of our planet.
-agricultural area will be damaged as a result of drought, and become more scarce supply of key agricultural products for food.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro doujin


dreamed popcorn on Sunday afternoon on the couch, at least one of every two. His voice on the phone gave me the certainty needed to believe that this time everything was possible. I love you, repeated over and over again its sweet, velvety voice.

came almost by chance, on a Tuesday morning in which I still battling jet lag and went like a hurricane in my life. Just three days later I decided that was to illuminate my eyes and turn my smile. "I called just to let my feelings for you are incredible," said phone me just 5 minutes after hanging up.

And if ... then I dreamed and dreamed of waking every morning. And I was in a gondola in Venice next to him, laughing and kissing complicit in every corner like two teenagers running through the streets of Rome, making plans every month, with a reason to celebrate Christmas ...

And I was outside My people at the end ... .. it was the Cadillac of Thunder Road, the same as me out of here, Climb in back, heaven's waiting on down the tracks, oh come take my hand, riding out tonight to case the Promised Land ...

And suddenly departed, and I was like many of the characters of Sabina, as no dog barking at the gates of heaven, honey in Glitter lips and in her hair. So it was, I left my heart in the bones and my knees.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Websphere Disadvantage

As Global Warming affects agricultural production

The following videos show the harmful effects of global warming, seen from two views, first, Mr. Didier Bazile Agronomist, MA and PhD in Geography, one of the exponents Seminar on "Building sustainable rural" given at the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Maule, Curico headquarters, on September 28, 2010, on the other, Mr. Guillermo Cornejo, farmers, belonging to the cooperative The Nieves, este último se dedica en la actualidad a producir Quinua, a quién realizamos una pequeña entrevista acerca de este tema.


Sus opiniones del video serán bien recibidas para que podamos producir un debate y crear conciencia sobre el tema en cuestión

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Sustainable Development

Influence dimensions:
  • Economic
  • Social Institutional
  • Environmental
This last point is where we as a team we wanted to focus.
Sustainable development or sustainable development is the type most strongly reflects
our theme and we are most concerned, because it is in us humans to be part of this environment than us and contribute to impairment in actions that consciously or unconsciously contaminate and affect the ozone layer.
can not conceive of human development or life without the indispensable support of nature.
Development models are inevitably linked to the ecological and environmental, in models using natural and energy resources is limited to the regeneration of these and the generation of waste assimilative capacity of the ecosystem.

Monday, September 27, 2010

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Would you ever wondered how the change affects the temperature of the environment? For

Hace  unos 100 años atrás, las personas a lo largo de todo el mundo comenzaron a quemar más carbón y aceite para sus hogares, fábricas, y medios de transporte. La quema de estos combustibles fósiles lanzan dióxido de carbono y otros gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera. These added greenhouse gases have caused the Earth to warm more rapidly than in the past.

effects of climate change currently occurring.

* sea level rise : During the twentieth century, sea \u200b\u200blevel has risen about 15 cm. due to melting glacier ice and expansion of warmer seawater .
Ø * The Arctic sea ice is melting . The thickness of sea ice in summer is about half what it was in 1950, the ice melts increases warming.
Ø * Increased temperatures the surface of the sea, has caused the death of marine animals.
Ø * Higher temperatures cause higher rates of evaporation and more drought in some areas of the world.
* As temperatures warm, some species deberán migrar hacia lugares más fríos, hacia un ecosistema ideal, de lo contario  morirán.

     ¡¡¡¡¡¡Para reflexionar acerca de este tema te invitamos a ver el siguiente video!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             #



Thursday, September 23, 2010

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you aware ... Images

invite you to watch this video to realize that global warming is a problem that affects everyone without exception.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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products that harm the ozone layer

 ¿Sabías que si cada año se reciclara cada recipiente de aerosol que se fabrica, el acero que se ahorraría podría utilizarse para fabricar 160000 automóviles?

Do Dogs Get Cold Sores On Lips

This I must know!

This time, this team will discuss the Millennium Development Goals that delivers the UNDP which is 8, but we will focus on one which we believe is the most important because about our environment, this is the objective 7 which we invite you to know.

As we begin the analysis of the environmental issue, we intend to report on the challenges which we face as a society, as the vast expansion of population has been rapidly shrinking natural resources upon which we rely for our survival, as well to cause various types of pollution, since human beings keep a steady industrial growth to satisfy our needs.

This situation can cause unfortunate consequences as industrial development brings household hazardous waste type, the greenhouse effect, acid rain and pollution of rivers, lakes and seas, which pass be part of global pollution problems.

This time the contamination that will be discussed further is one that affects directly or indirectly to the ozone layer through toxic gases.

UNDP has set the goal of ending pollution by 2015, a goal that is achieved if all fulfill the task that the world asks us to do for him.