Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Hardest Credit Card To Get

Chile Bicentennial Reflection

On 18 September celebrated 200 years of independent history of our country.
Throughout this period, Chile has been formed as a free country, so building their identity and rights that have to abide as a nation to achieve this is a good social life.
have been innumerable events that give rise to the values \u200b\u200bthat we recognize today during the celebration of our bicentennial, which in turn have built the rights and duties as Chileans must have
such as ;

  • Right to Freedom
  • right to identity
  • right to equality
  • Right to development, among others.
In conclusion we believe that involves all the rights, as they have been 200 years in which these have been built and designed to achieve optimal development of the country.

This is going to see two types of desarrolllo, in the opinion of this team, human development because they wish to promote the potential of people through freedom and equality for example, and the development preserve something that is sustainable for generations future, such as the environment and national heritage.

As future social workers undertake activities to raise awareness in people, so that future generations will not make the mistakes of the past and revealed the conservation of events beneficial to the growth of the nation, and create programs to serespeten rights.

His comments are a great contribution to this reflection !!!!!!




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