Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do Dogs Get Cold Sores On Lips

This I must know!

This time, this team will discuss the Millennium Development Goals that delivers the UNDP which is 8, but we will focus on one which we believe is the most important because about our environment, this is the objective 7 which we invite you to know.

As we begin the analysis of the environmental issue, we intend to report on the challenges which we face as a society, as the vast expansion of population has been rapidly shrinking natural resources upon which we rely for our survival, as well to cause various types of pollution, since human beings keep a steady industrial growth to satisfy our needs.

This situation can cause unfortunate consequences as industrial development brings household hazardous waste type, the greenhouse effect, acid rain and pollution of rivers, lakes and seas, which pass be part of global pollution problems.

This time the contamination that will be discussed further is one that affects directly or indirectly to the ozone layer through toxic gases.

UNDP has set the goal of ending pollution by 2015, a goal that is achieved if all fulfill the task that the world asks us to do for him.



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