Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Websphere Disadvantage

As Global Warming affects agricultural production

The following videos show the harmful effects of global warming, seen from two views, first, Mr. Didier Bazile Agronomist, MA and PhD in Geography, one of the exponents Seminar on "Building sustainable rural" given at the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Maule, Curico headquarters, on September 28, 2010, on the other, Mr. Guillermo Cornejo, farmers, belonging to the cooperative The Nieves, este último se dedica en la actualidad a producir Quinua, a quién realizamos una pequeña entrevista acerca de este tema.


Sus opiniones del video serán bien recibidas para que podamos producir un debate y crear conciencia sobre el tema en cuestión

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Sustainable Development

Influence dimensions:
  • Economic
  • Social Institutional
  • Environmental
This last point is where we as a team we wanted to focus.
Sustainable development or sustainable development is the type most strongly reflects
our theme and we are most concerned, because it is in us humans to be part of this environment than us and contribute to impairment in actions that consciously or unconsciously contaminate and affect the ozone layer.
can not conceive of human development or life without the indispensable support of nature.
Development models are inevitably linked to the ecological and environmental, in models using natural and energy resources is limited to the regeneration of these and the generation of waste assimilative capacity of the ecosystem.

Monday, September 27, 2010

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Would you ever wondered how the change affects the temperature of the environment? For

Hace  unos 100 años atrás, las personas a lo largo de todo el mundo comenzaron a quemar más carbón y aceite para sus hogares, fábricas, y medios de transporte. La quema de estos combustibles fósiles lanzan dióxido de carbono y otros gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera. These added greenhouse gases have caused the Earth to warm more rapidly than in the past.

effects of climate change currently occurring.

* sea level rise : During the twentieth century, sea \u200b\u200blevel has risen about 15 cm. due to melting glacier ice and expansion of warmer seawater .
Ø * The Arctic sea ice is melting . The thickness of sea ice in summer is about half what it was in 1950, the ice melts increases warming.
Ø * Increased temperatures the surface of the sea, has caused the death of marine animals.
Ø * Higher temperatures cause higher rates of evaporation and more drought in some areas of the world.
* As temperatures warm, some species deberán migrar hacia lugares más fríos, hacia un ecosistema ideal, de lo contario  morirán.

     ¡¡¡¡¡¡Para reflexionar acerca de este tema te invitamos a ver el siguiente video!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             #



Thursday, September 23, 2010

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you aware ... Images

invite you to watch this video to realize that global warming is a problem that affects everyone without exception.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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products that harm the ozone layer

 ¿Sabías que si cada año se reciclara cada recipiente de aerosol que se fabrica, el acero que se ahorraría podría utilizarse para fabricar 160000 automóviles?

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This I must know!

This time, this team will discuss the Millennium Development Goals that delivers the UNDP which is 8, but we will focus on one which we believe is the most important because about our environment, this is the objective 7 which we invite you to know.

As we begin the analysis of the environmental issue, we intend to report on the challenges which we face as a society, as the vast expansion of population has been rapidly shrinking natural resources upon which we rely for our survival, as well to cause various types of pollution, since human beings keep a steady industrial growth to satisfy our needs.

This situation can cause unfortunate consequences as industrial development brings household hazardous waste type, the greenhouse effect, acid rain and pollution of rivers, lakes and seas, which pass be part of global pollution problems.

This time the contamination that will be discussed further is one that affects directly or indirectly to the ozone layer through toxic gases.

UNDP has set the goal of ending pollution by 2015, a goal that is achieved if all fulfill the task that the world asks us to do for him.


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ozone layer!

Environment is the set of all living things around us. From this we get water, food, fuel and raw materials used to manufacture the things we use daily.
to abuse or misuse of natural resources obtained from the environment, we put at risk or in the worst case it deplete.
One of the environmental problems we face, is the weakening of the ozone layer.
What is ozone?
The ozone layer is a thin layer of gas that is located in the stratosphere, here originate the phenomena known as hole Ozone layer and global warming.
ozone molecules form a structure that prevents UVB rays.
Man has been the cause of weakening due to the use of so-called layer depleting substances (ODS) including products such as aerosols, air conditioners, refrigerant gases, solvents, fire extinguishers compounds, soil fumigants, among others.
damage to health and the environment
· skin cancer
· Males eye (cataracts, deformation of the lens and presbyopia)
· ; sometimes affects the immune system.
· possible increase in infectious diseases.
· change in the chemical composition of plants.
· affects marine life and damages to 20 feet deep.

environmental protection programs
- SINIA (National Environmental Information System) is the platform free access to environmental information services of CONAMA (National Environmental Commission).

Environmental regulations: - Ozone Act (2006)
; ; - Law 19,300: general environmental bases.

At the international level: through the Stockholm Convention establishing the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) and ORPALPAC (Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean).

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The UNDP with respect to the Environment

The environment is a key issue for sustainable development that promotes UNDP, as it affects the poor sector larger, since these are more difficult to access clean and sustainable energy.
The UNDP help countries cope with environmental challenges, both at global, national and community levels, seeking through projects to encourage people to have a sustainable life, that is, look what we have now to in the future may continue being used by others.
The aforementioned program focuses on four main themes, to combat environmental problems:
Ø Manage the financial resources to improve the environment. Ø
better confront the challenges of climate change. Ø
locally improve environmental management, so as to evenly distribute energy, clean water in a sustainable manner. Ø
make people aware of the causes environmentally friendly.
Organizations seeking to combat international environmental pollution
Ø Together with UNDP, the UN program for the environment (UNEP) and World Bank, aim through bodies such as the Fund Environment Facility (GEF), protect the environment with resources from 32 countries. Ø
The UNDP has undertaken to encourage the protection of the ozone layer by managing the amount of $ 500 million to help more than 100 countries to achieve this goal.
Ø Established programs on climate change adaptation.

Organizations seeking to combat environmental pollution nationwide
Ø projects in Chile for the care of the environment have been funded largely by the Global Environment Facility ( GEF)
UNDP advocates in Chile:
Ø biodiversity. Ø
Ø Protection of the Ozone Layer.
persistent organic components.
care of the environment, will have a culture of sustainability, which involves not only preserve the environment, but also have a strategy in the country involving economic, social, public, private, national and international.

If you want to know more about this topic, we invite you to visit the web site
; ;
Reflection group

As a team analyzing the Millennium Development Goals and the focus on the seven goal is to ensure environmental sustainability, this time we chose to analyze gas pollution that damage the ozone layer, this being an essential issue for sustainable development taught by the UNDP, we consider necessary to inform the care they should have toward the environment and raise awareness that this is a problem that affects us all equally . As a group we believe that human beings should not be so irresponsible not to take care of our environment and our future generations are entitled to make use of this and also be part of it, thus achieving overall development sustainable.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Chile Bicentennial Reflection

On 18 September celebrated 200 years of independent history of our country.
Throughout this period, Chile has been formed as a free country, so building their identity and rights that have to abide as a nation to achieve this is a good social life.
have been innumerable events that give rise to the values \u200b\u200bthat we recognize today during the celebration of our bicentennial, which in turn have built the rights and duties as Chileans must have
such as ;

  • Right to Freedom
  • right to identity
  • right to equality
  • Right to development, among others.
In conclusion we believe that involves all the rights, as they have been 200 years in which these have been built and designed to achieve optimal development of the country.

This is going to see two types of desarrolllo, in the opinion of this team, human development because they wish to promote the potential of people through freedom and equality for example, and the development preserve something that is sustainable for generations future, such as the environment and national heritage.

As future social workers undertake activities to raise awareness in people, so that future generations will not make the mistakes of the past and revealed the conservation of events beneficial to the growth of the nation, and create programs to serespeten rights.

His comments are a great contribution to this reflection !!!!!!



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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Perhaps not everyone is quite clear that UNDP means, well this is a United Nations Program for Development, its function is to seek the most accurate ways for society in general may have the opportunity to determine why own destiny, taking and programs that encourage non-discrimination and equality by class and gender for example. This program is present in 166 countries, one of Chile, where its representative is Enrique Ganuza.
This time discuss one of the themes for action proposed by UNDP in Chile this is gender discrimination.
Discrimination Gender is a recurring theme that affects all women regardless of social class work and to which they belong. In this context, UNDP is responsible for promoting increased awareness of the equity necessary to reduce this type of situation.
This team was responsible for reading documents such as the International Development Ethics David A. Crocker, which gives us to think that development is not only economic growth, increased industrialization and modernization, but involves something beyond Development, for example, overturn and improve the conditions of poverty in the countries and the environment in which we live. Another important point is that we believe that opportunities are equal for all may live in a country much more developed, since not leave this society that all human beings to express themselves and be valued equally, this causes a break in the bridge can be achieved in search of a more developed country or world. A clear example of this is job discrimination against women why women receive lower pay than men in the position to play the same work?, "Machismo, discrimination? How could you call this? We invite you as a team has to perform your comments on this topic and give your opinions, as this blog does not discriminate any personal opinion.

include these videos on the topic of

Monday, September 6, 2010

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Here attached a group photo
The group consists of:
  • Abigail Adriana Alvarez Cáceres ;
  • Paula Daniela Diaz Moya Sepúlveda
  • Elsa Margarita Villar

Although it was formed by chance, there is super friendly and available in the group. United aim to achieve our goal is to create a blog of interest, objective opinions which are used for the analysis of those who read this blog.