The English social worker, we spoke about the history of social work in Spain, said that in 1932 founded the first school social work lasted four years, but is closed because of civil war and reopened in 1939. This school was born under the influence of Belgium and France is closely linked to health, from 1939 to 1957 were due to the dark years of war. Later in the year 1955 the race off of Social Work and in 1960 produced a plan for stabilization of the race and in 1966 more social security with respect thereto.
The second speaker also work Social skills we talked about, these are also known as the talent and / or skills. This explains that the competition was based on knowing how to be, know-how and knowledge to be with others. Another important point is rescued on the accreditation issue and we made a comparison of Chile and Canada, telling us by way of experience when studying in Canada that matters is the accreditation of the race and not college, unlike what happens in Chile.
Reflection Group.
As a team the theme of the Bologna process set out by the lecturers was the one we call attention, because this is an agreement that is given in European countries in order to generate the exchange of graduates of different universities and thus generate the same skills and acquire universal knowledge.
Finally we conclude that there is no consensus concept of competition, we must create our own concept and apply it to Social Work. Social work must necessarily undergo changes, ie have a ethical and methodological reconfiguration, since the former tells us that all is not technical knowledge but has to do with values \u200b\u200band principles, these being the north of our job. And the reconfiguration methodology is about creating new intervention strategies as taught in class.
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