Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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Seal Program Ozone Pollution Ozone Layer

Defining the problem:
environmental pollution is a problem both nationally and internationally and the most affected has been the ozone layer in which a hole is formed causing a serious problem for humanity producing global warming.

  • Problem
Increase in average temperatures of air and oceans, melting ice, snow, and rising sea level.

  • Program Size
Increased amount of "greenhouse gases" (GHGs) in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

  • Causes of the problem
global GHG emissions as a result of human activities by an inordinate increase in population growth because the man keeps a steady industrial growth to meet their needs. This brings Industrial growth rate household hazardous waste, greenhouse effect, acid rain and pollution of rivers lakes and seas.
  • Who is affected and to what extent?
A whole ecosystem (humans, plants, animals, etc)
  • How has the problem?
is increasing, as more and more grows the hole in our ozone layer and that makes the ultraviolet rays come with greater intensity.
  • What if we do not act on it?
we risk our lives and the sustainability of the planet.
At various points:
water-pollution product of doping cause health problems.
-increase as disease, enteritis typhoid salmonellosis .
- pollution to take away their degree of purification to prevent the daily use of it.
-Some air pollutants are extremely dangerous cause serious disturbances and even death and many people.
- was significantly reduced in the flora and fauna of our planet.
-agricultural area will be damaged as a result of drought, and become more scarce supply of key agricultural products for food.


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