Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jet Skiing License Test

wikipedia (pardon me)

After seeing how he left the selebro from nose to a 15 year old girl's Anatomy idiot, I was reminded of asquete give me those things ... puag!

El brazo en sí es una mierlda: solo funciona con un mando con cable (no es programable), y sólo levanta 100 gramos And I remembered how the guy does not know that, which is plugged a cable into a nerve in the arm, then to a RS232, and padentro. And your brain (there came the memory) had learned to send appropriate pulses to move a robotic arm, despite not receiving feedback sensory. The story ended just like that episode of TBBT: turkey controlled the robotic arm via the Internet, in real time for those who attended his presentation.

Y tampoco está en la RAE‽ Well, the story has a few years now, but it would certainly be interesting to see what has happened since then. There were two ways to try the search. digital neuronal connection failed to match the three terms on the first page of results. However, robotic arm controlled by the mind indicates that there are several pilot projects underway. Some news talk about a wheelchair with a robotic arm controlled by a blue bathing cap red and white electrodes. Others comment success in experiments with monkeys. Several companies are developing sophisticated prosthesis as possible, and invading yutube.

Search almost hits the mark is brain computer interface in wikipedia. There are many other articles on the net, some more extensive than others, but all have the same, that is what you get. And the story of one man ...


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