Prepared by Ricardo Moreno Castillo
the undersigned wish to make public its concern at the relentless deterioration of education in Spain and propose a new education law that includes the following:
1. A school considerably longer than the current . It's unfair that, in the name of a false equality, are deprived of the possibility of a serious and demanding school for good students so that those who are not do not feel discriminated against.
2. A study center is not just a place to stay, but a workplace. And no quality without the requirement, we believe that automatic promotion should be removed to avoid passing of course who has not been studied or worked. We also needed outside the final rehearsal of the ESO and at the end of high school.
3. Around the classroom discipline so that the right of those who want to learn is always above those who boycotted the class, and the rights of students assaulted by students over the aggressor. It is therefore essential to recognize the teacher as a public authority, and accept without complex that the teacher has to be the boss in the classroom.
4. We believe that pedagogy is not a science but a language without content that has already done much damage education. For this reason, the training of future teachers must be responsible exclusively to the powers of caesarean specialties.
5. That the professional advancement of teachers really value the knowledge . Currently, for example, to access a chair scored more workshops and managers to academic merit, books and publications. And however good they may be, do not have anything to add time to recognize the productivity, to recover which is essential to make some courses, most of them useless, far from the reality of the classroom. The knowledge and excellence are today in the world of education, persecuted and despised.
6. For this new law possible is essential, first, that the framers of the LOE LOGSE and recognize at once the monumental error and the need to correct, and second, to reach an agreement to leave state education out of the political . Then appoint a committee with representatives from all parties for the development of a new education law. The members of this new committee must be teachers (not teachers) and the parties should endeavor to nominate their representatives according to their professional value, not their political allegiance.