Plava Laguna: It's a phrase Bosnia Croatian, Slovenian, and Serbia which means "Blue Lake" . By the way, good trick to find all Croatian tourist guide .
is also the name of the character in the movie The Fifth Element embodies the beauty of miscegenation. I have not found any online quotes, so dust off my paperback, and copy:
"hybrid of human and alien, the Diva in her gracefully combined the beauty of all races in the galaxy."I have watched the movie like 150 times without exaggeration, and some two thousand if I get silly. And a while ago just went up to 2001, because I have just to see again. So many times I've read the movie, and many times I've seen the book, yet I never managed to find two facts:
- The name of the opera house, which is an exact replica of the palace of Floshton Paradise Cruise, which operates the Diva Plavalaguna.
- The name of the opera, aria, or whatever it is, the subject that revisits the Diva Plavalaguna.
To solve the first puzzle, we will use a visual search. Neither G. Images or IMDB is one bit of the scene. I will provide I do my bit to capture the moment, to see if anyone jumps the spark.
For the second enigma, geeks lumps before they bring us the answer here and here . The song is the aria Il Dolce Suono , opera Lucia di Lammermoor , and sings soprano Inva Mulla Tchako , an opera singer Albana.
And that's it for today! Tomorrow (or past) and more!